Tuesday, June 20, 2006

SPADE _ ترجمه ليريك

The beauty spot was borrowed Now my sweet love rusts tomorrow On my confession that is waiting to be heard Run your empty rain down on me Whisper your death beats so softly Bend your knees,the altar of my ego You drained my heart, and made a spade There's still traces of me in your veins You drained my heart, and made a spade There's still traces of me in your veins All my lilies' mouths are open, like to begging for dope and hoping But their pedal gently can kick, you won't be back All the timing that is sorrow of all the faces I've acquired We secure the shadow here, the sun fills face You drained my heart, and made a spade There's still traces of me in your veins You drained my heart, and made a spade There's still traces of me in your veins And we said 'til we die And we said 'til we die You drained my heart, and made a spade There's still traces of me in your veins You drained my heart, and made a spade There's still traces of me in your veins You drained my heart, and made a spade There's still traces of me in your veins You drained my heart, and made a spade There's still traces of me in your veins And we said 'til we die And we said 'til we die

لكه هاي زيبا از دست رفتند و هم اكنون عشق شيرين من نيز از بين ميرود اعتراف نامه من نياز به تحقيق داشت با من آميزش كن رمز مرگ خود را به آرامي زمزمه كن در برابر من سجده كن تو به قلب من صدمه زدي و در آن يك لكه سياه بوجود آوردي و اين اثر من در روش تو است دهان پاك من باز ميشود و دوست دارد آلوده شود اما جاي پاي آنها به راحتي ميتواند به پشت تو ضربه بزند و ما سخن ميگوييم تا زماني كه بميريم و ما سخن ميگوييم تا زماني كه بميريم رمز مرگ خود را به آرامي زمزمه كن در برابر من سجده كن تو به قلب من صدمه زدي و در آن يك لكه سياه بوجود آوردي و اين اثر من در روش تو است در شرايط غم انگيز من ناراحت ميشوم ما در مكاني امن زير سايه مستقر هستيم اما خورشيد اينجا را نوراني ميكند لكه هاي زيبا از دست رفتند و هم اكنون عشق شيرين من نيز از بين ميرود اعتراف نامه من نياز به تحقيق داشت و ما سخن ميگوييم تا زماني كه بميريم و ما سخن ميگوييم تا زماني كه بميريم

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