Tuesday, June 20, 2006


We'll be the worms in your apple pie. Fake abuse for our biles blacken our own eyes. Grass isn't greener on the other side We'll set it on fire, and we have no reason why Set fashion, not follow Spitfantry all not swallow Set fashion, not follow Spitfantry all not swallow You know that I don't mind being everything that's bad You know that I don't mind being everything that's bad We know who we are and what we wanna say And we don't care who's listening Ae don't rebel to sell, it just suits us well We're the bright young things Got my villain necktie, and I'm alph hi-fi* So sharp, I'm bleedin' from my Judas hole Arch Dandy, no good to get a metaphor crash Formal sponsor with the groan box in the meat show Set fashion, not follow Spitfantry all not swallow Set fashion, not follow Spitfantry all not swallow You know that I don't mind being everything that's bad You know that I don't mind being everything that's bad We know who we are and what we wanna say And we don't care who's listening Ae don't rebel to sell, it just suits us well We're the bright young things Crashing the ether, we got the lighter stereotype Even neophytes deep seed your pro-life* We don't need to move a single parabol* We're so beautiful and damned life Perpetual rebellion with absolutely no push Perpetual rebellion with absolutely no push Perpetual rebellion with absolutely no push Perpetual rebellion with absolutely no push Motherfucker, remember what you used to be? Somebody that could fucking impress me We know who we are and what we wanna say And we don't care who's listening Ae don't rebel to sell, it just suits us well We're the bright young things We know who we are and what we wanna say And we don't care who's listening Ae don't rebel to sell, it just suits us well We're the bright young things You know that I don't mind being everything that's bad You know that I don't mind being everything that's bad

ما در غذاي با ارزش تو ميخزيم براي سياه كردن چشمان ما وانمود به بدي كن علف در آن طرف سبزتر نيست ما بدون هيچ دليلي آن را در آتش ميسوزانيم از مد پيروي نكن نفرت را در خودت نگه ندار از مد پيروي نكن نفرت را در خودت نگه ندار تو ميداني كه من به چيزهاي بد فكر نميكنم ما ميدانيم كه چه كساني هستيم و چه چيزي خواهيم گفت و ما اهميت نميدهيم كه چه كسي به ما گوش ميدهد و به ما محتاج ميشوند ما اشياي درخشان و جوان هستيم كراوات كثيف من متولد شد و اين نقطه شروع است پس هشيار باش من آلوده به خون يهودا هستم در هم شكسته صفت خوبي براي يك كراواتي موذي نيست ضامن متفكر با ناله و فرياد در نمايش حاضر ميشود از مد پيروي نكن نفرت را در خودت نگه ندار از مد پيروي نكن نفرت را در خودت نگه ندار تو ميداني كه من به چيزهاي بد فكر نميكنم كراوات كثيف من متولد شد و اين نقطه شروع است نفرت را در خودت نگه ندار از مد پيروي نكن نفرت را در خودت نگه ندار تو ميداني كه من به چيزهاي بد فكر نميكنم كراوات كثيف من متولد شد و اين نقطه شروع است كراوات كثيف من متولد شد و اين نقطه شروع است پس هشيار باش من آلوده به خون يهودا هستم در هم شكسته صفت خوبي براي يك كراواتي موذي نيست ضامن متفكر با ناله و فرياد در نمايش حاضر ميشود از مد پيروي نكن

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